È morta l'attrice ed ex supermodella Dayle Haddon all'età di 76 anni. Recitò accanto a Massimo Ranieri ne La Cugina e nei film di Woody Allen: il suo corpo è stato ritrovato senza vita nella casa del genero, l'attore Marc Blucas. CBS News fa sapere che sarebbe morta per un'intossicazione da monossido di carbonio.Continua a leggere
This article reports on the death of actress and former supermodel Dayle Haddon at the age of 76.
The main idea is: Dayle Haddon's body was found unresponsive in the apartment of her son-in-law, actor Marc Blucas, due to suspected carbon monoxide poisoning.
This article reports on the death of actress and former supermodel Dayle Haddon at the age of 76. The main idea is: Dayle Haddon's body was found unresponsive in the apartment of her son-in-law, actor Marc Blucas, due to suspected carbon monoxide poisoning.